Jill Stier


Journal Articles 

  1. Bossers, A., Drynan, D., Gallagher, M.B., O’Sullivan, C., Polatajko, H., Slade, A., Stier, J., … Holmes, J. (2010). 1000 hours of fieldwork? Analysis of multi-site evidence. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(3), 135-143.
  2. Stier, J., Cameron, J., Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Brammer, C., Asher, S. & Deborah Lipszyc. (2022). The Development and Psychometric Properties of an Admissions Application Written Submission Measure. British Journal of Occupational Therapy.  In press.
  3. **Safi, F., Nieserowicz, A., Colquhoun, H., Stier, J., & Nowrouzi-Kia, B. (2022). Impact of eating disorders on paid or unpaid work participation and performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(7), 1-11. IF: 4.622.
  4. Stier, J., Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Ott, M., & Mohamed, A. (2021). Admission Factors That Predict Canadian Occupational Therapy Students’ Practicum Success. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5 (4).https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2021.050402T
  5. Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Stier, J., Ayyoub, L., Hutchinson, L., Laframboise, J., and Mihailidis, A. (2021). The Characteristics of Canadian University Students Mental Health, Engagement in Activities, and Use of Smartphones: A Descriptive Pilot Study. Health Psychology Open, 8(2), 1-8.) IF: 2.85.
  6. Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Baker, D., Stier, J, Lo, J. Job Demands of Occupational Therapy Clinical Placements: a Descriptive Study Using the Practicum Demands Measure©. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy. (Accepted)
  7. Tsang, A., MacLachlan, J., Cameron, D. Cockburn, L., Fourt, A., Langlois, S., Sangrar, R., Stier, J. & Trentham,. B. Conversations on Oppression and Resistance Experienced by Occupational Therapists.  Occupational Therapy Now (Accepted for publication May 2022)


Magazine Entries 

  1. Barker, D. & Stier, J. (Eds.). (2014, March). Checklist for consideration of student accessibility when teaching outside the classroom. Toronto: Council of Ontario Universities. Available from: http://www.accessiblecampus.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Teaching-Outside-the-Classrom-Checklist-Final-PDF.pdf
  2. Stier, J. & Smordin, H. (2008). Importance and significance of occupation in the lives of older adults: An examination of Syd’s group. Occupational Therapy Now, 6(2), 23-25.
  3. Stier, J. (2004). Occupation-based splinting. Occupational Therapy Now, 6(4), 19-21.

Online Resources 

  1. Stier, J., Barker, D., & Campbell-Rempel, M. (2015, May/June). Student accommodations in occupational therapy university programs: Requirements, present environment and trends. Occupational Therapy Now, 17(3)

Research and Projects

  1. Project Title: Impact of eating disorders on paid or unpaid work participation and performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Researchers: Student Researchers: **Safi, F., & Nieserowicz, A.,

Research Supervisors: Colquhoun, H., Stier, J., & Nowrouzi-Kia, B. 

Year(s) of Study: 2020-2021

  1. Project Title: Developing a profile of activities of daily living for bipolar disorder: A systematic review protocol and meta-analysis

Researchers: Student Researchers: Nieserowicz, A.& Safi, F.

Research Supervisors: Colquhoun, H., Stier, J., & Nowrouzi-Kia, B. 

Year(s) of Study: 2020-2021

  1. Project Title: Admission Factors That Predict Canadian Occupational Therapy Students’ Practicum Success.

Research Supervisors: Stier, J. & Nowrouzi-Kia, B. 

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