Creating International Inclusive Research teams


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Episode Description

Have you ever wondered what it’s like being in an international research team? What about conducting inclusive research with an international team? Join us as we speak to Daniela Chan Viquez, about some realities of working in international research teams and why inclusion is essential in international teams and research teams in general

Speakers’ Bios:

Daniela worked as a physical therapist in Costa Rica for five years. Her clinical practice was mainly focused on rehabilitation for children with disabilities. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Rehabilitation Sciences and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Daniela’s project explores how interactive computer play (ICP) technologies, like video games, can be implemented for home rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy. She is especially interested in finding successful ways in which these ICP technologies can be used as an alternative motor therapy for children with cerebral palsy living in rural communities and developing countries, where access to rehabilitation services can be limited.

You can learn more about Daniela’s work here:
You can get in touch with Daniela here:

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